? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (2024)

  1. Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023

    Good morning ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (2)

    Fistuk was very poorly yesterday. Salivating almost all day and night.

    Slept through the night without running to the toilet.

    Giving 4mg Ondansetron every 6 hours. Gave also the Cerenia injection

    After 80ml SQ yesterday he perked up for a short moment.

    Only syringe feeding. This morning is getting even more difficult. Each time after food he's feeling very uncomfortable.

    Not giving slippery elm for the moment. Don't want him constipated.

    His cycle yesterday stayed around the mid-blues. I understand it's stress, but do I keep the dose or give him a bit more?
    @Bandit's Mom @tiffmaxee

    Keton test yesterday 0.

    Prince's poo is getting much more firm but still not quite normal so he gets more slippery elm with his food.

    WIshing you a relaxed day ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (3)

    Last edited: Aug 5, 2024 at 12:47 PM

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 12:27 AM


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  2. Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Hi Shelly, oh I’m sorry Fistuk still isn’t recovered from this bout. You’re doing a marvelous job with his attentive care.
    I hope he recovers quickly and gets back to his normal cycles.

    I'm glad Prince is recovering, maybe that’s an indicator for Fistuk, too. I hope so.

    Sending you warm hugs for healing and a calmer day. Please keep us posted.
    ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (5)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (6)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (7)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (8)

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 5:57 AM


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  3. Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2021
    I'm sorry to read that Fistuk is still so weak. Hopefully he will get better soon, especially since Prince seemed to have the same thing and is doing better.
    I hope your day gets better ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (10)

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 8:36 AM


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  4. Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    Thanks, Staci for your kind words xx
    I'm soooooo tired today.
    I'm not quite certain that Fistuk's salivation is and adverse response to the Cerenia injection. It started right after. It0's horrible.
    I'm at work but Robert will take Fistuk ti the vet because I think that after non stop salivating for two days his electrolytes need checking.
    I hope you and Ivy are having a good day ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (12)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (13)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (14)

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 9:10 AM


    and like this.

  5. Hi cecile ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (16)
    Prince has always been stronger. Her's dealing with it seamlessly.
    But Fistuk gave a poo earlier that was partly formed, constipated. So he's also in a good direction. We just need to get the salivation under control and make sure he's not losing too much fluids and electrolytes ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (17)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (18)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (19)

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 9:11 AM


    and like this.

  6. Member

    Mar 3, 2024
    Hi Shelly, I am so sorry it is still difficult. Poor Fistuk, he seems to feel really uncomfortable. But I am sure you do a perfect in job in making him feel loved and cared about. All the best for Fistuk and Prince! I hope the nice weather helps, I understood that Fistuk likes the sun. ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (21)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (22)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (23)

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 9:14 AM


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  7. Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    Hi Heike ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (25)
    Fistuk is so weak that he's not really interested in the sun now. DH said that he managed to get into deep sleep a couple of times today which tells me he's relaxing a bit.
    ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (26)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (27)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (28)

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 10:05 AM


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  8. Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    Vet made a mistake in their planning and they were not able to see us today.

    Fistuk is still salivating. Thogh less, but it's been going on now since Saturday evening, so two days!!

    I'm concerned about electrolyte imbalance - Does anyone know about electrolytes for cats?
    @Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Thanks for your help ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (30)

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 10:07 AM


  9. Member

    Mar 3, 2024
    Hi Shelly,

    I'm sorry you can't see the vet today! Maybe they can help you over the phone with your question about electrolytes? I would think, that he does not loose so much electroytes any more, as his diarrhea is not watry any more and I understand that you syringe feed him, so he is getting liquid with that. But I looked it up and there are special electrolyte products for cats:


    Maybe you an pick up something like that from the vet, if they think it makes sense. I don't have any experience with that with cats so it is just a little bit common sense from what I know about humans and electroytes. Let's wait what the experts say.

    And sleeping deep really sounds like a good sign he can finally relax!

    Warm hugs for you and Fistuk! ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (32)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (33)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (34)

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 10:40 AM


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  10. Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Oh no, Shelly, I am sorry to read you couldn't get Fistuk to see the vet today. I hope they could help you with something over the phone.
    I know how tired you must be. Those endless nights are the hardest ( you know I can totally relate, sadly).
    And it's just plain scary when it's you and your kitty alone in the dark of night. I always feel very helpless and alone ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (36)
    And we want to do the best for them to feel better.

    I am hoping he begins to feel much better very soon. Sending you lots of hugs, Shelly? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (37)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (38)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (39)

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 11:30 AM


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  11. Senior MemberModerator

    Feb 28, 2012
    The dosing is 3-4 times per day, so every 6-8 hours.

    When you are giving the slippery elm is it a couple hours apart from other medication? It can coat the GI tract and limit absorption of other meds if given too closely together.

    Fluids will help with electrolytes, but you need blood work to diagnose if something is off.

    I've seen cats salivate after Cerenia pills, but that's because it's bitter. Haven't seen it after injection, but hypersalivation is listed as a side effect of Cerenia. If he's not vomiting, you can stick with just ondansetron for nausea and see how he does.

    As for insulin dose, where do you want his nadirs to be? He is seeing 70's.

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 11:50 AM


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  12. Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    I give ever 6 hours. I changed my typo.

    I read that it's actually not true about the two hours. That cats who got slippery with the meds had no changes in effectiveness of medications compared to before taking it.

    I did some search today and saw that hypersalivation is one of the side effects. Quite maddening that I told the vet that it started after the Cernia injection and she said nothing about it.

    In the past couple of days, his numbers have been around 130. I'm aware it's because of the stress of the situation and his sickness and I don't know how to relate to it in this particular condition. But because he had ketones in the past I wanted to have info/feedback on insulin dosing when this is the case.
    Thanks ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (42)

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 12:54 PM


  13. Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    Hi Heike ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (44)
    Thanks for taking the time to look it up. I did ask over the phone and they do have some electrolyte drink but I decided not to drive there and get it. I'm sorry they messed up with the appointments and he didn't get tested today. I'll have to see tomorrow what could be possible. He's just too weak
    ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (45)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (46)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (47)

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 2:53 PM


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  14. Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    Yes, feeling helpless is just so tough. He's suffering and it's hard to watch and not know what to do or if I'm doing the right thing.
    I'm going to look for a vet that can take us in tomorrow.
    Prince on the other hand is getting better. His stool just earlier was beginning to look much more normal.
    Thank you for the deep understanding and resonance ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (49)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (50)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (51)

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 3:00 PM


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  15. Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    A lovely surprise for this +3 PM. I hope it's a sign that he's getting better.
    It wasn't easy feeding him tonight.
    I think the salivation is beginning to subside. The cerenia works for 24 hours so hopefully not getting an injection tonight means that this nasty material is leaving his body.
    I'm praying that we'll wake up tomorrow morning like on Saturday morning and he'll look at me above from his bed next to me, with his I'm-so-cute-give-me-kisses meow and will be over this nightmare.
    Good night ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (53)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (54)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (55)

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 4:11 PM


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  16. Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    What a wonderful update, Shelly. It sounds like a great rebound he is having. Paws crossed for his immediate recovery.
    I hope you can both get some rest ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (57)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (58)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (59)

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 5:21 PM


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  17. Senior MemberModerator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Nice to see he's starting to come down. Hope that means he's feeling better and you wake up to a happier cat. ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (61)

    I see you are keeping on top of ketones testing. That's good. How long since he's tested positive for ketones?

    ,Aug 5, 2024 at 8:12 PM


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  18. Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    Thank you, Staci ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (63)
    That squint-green allowed me to just go to sleep. I so needed that.
    I woke up with a massive headache. Already lost a kilo. When he gets sick I get so worried that it really gets to me. And I'm so immensely relieved to find him this morning in a much better place.
    Thank you for your ongoing support. It means so much? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (64)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (65)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (66)

    ,Aug 6, 2024 at 2:22 AM


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  19. Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2023
    Fistuk is feeling much better this morning.Last night's BG was good sign that I felt I could trsut.

    The last time he had ketones was 29 August 2023. Nearly a year. It led to hospitalisation of 4 days. It was so tough and he resented that so much that they allowed me to come spend time with him on the weekend when normally they don't allow visits on weekends at all. They let me test his BG and feed him because he would just go crazy mad at the stuff.

    We're both still traumatised by that episode so I'm trying my best to prevent any vet visit or hospitalisation if there's something I can do at home, even if it means being 24/7 around him.

    Thanks for check-in in on us, Wendy ? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (68)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (69)? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (70)

    ,Aug 6, 2024 at 2:28 AM


? - 8/5 Fistuk AMPS 155, +3 166, +8 115 PMPS 131, +3 103::DOSE? | Feline Diabetes Message Board (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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